Saturday, April 12, 2008

As the D day nears

I am faced with following questions and doubts

a. Where do I go from here?
b. Am I capable of holding my own in the academic field?
c. Which subject shall I take up next?
d. Should I join for another PhD (in physics/philosophy)?
e. Should I mail Prof Popescu for a post doc opportunity?
f. When should I start "girl hunting"?

There is a lot of uncertainty about my future...although I am standing on the edge of graduation. It's nice this way. And I am not being rigid in the subject also...interested in diversifying.

The biggest worry is to find a girl and get into a relationship. I'd be fooling myself if I say I don't need a girl friend. But the process is too long and the path is too scary. It's starting all over again....phew!


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